WordPress Unleashed

These are the apps and support gateways of LMS MEDIA-Managed. It's WordPress mission: to automate essential tasks, serve and protect WordPress assets, and free up your time. Let us manage maintenance so you can be free to fulfill your WordPress dreams.

WP Discovery

EZ WP Discovery

Get to know us. Start with a discount trial of EZ WordPress and discover what we can do for you.
You authorize. We act. You get a WP Site Health Checkup. When your site is ready, the EZ WordPress Maintenance plugin is activated and you get automatic WP Updates, WP Security, and WP Backup services.
When the trial is up you can continue service for less than $1 a day [$30 billed monthly].
EZ WP Maintenance

EZ WP Maintenance

Theme, plugins, installation and maintenance tasks are automatically managed, installed, setup or removed as requested.
Technical tasks include work like setting up a plugin or improving site functionality by adjusting plugin options.
Creative tasks include work like retouching or resizing images and post-production video enhancements.
EZ WordPress Updates

EZ WP Support

Free email support included in every plan.
Request for advice can be technical or creative. If it's EZ, ask and we'll do it for you.
Tasks that take more time to do are sometimes split and queued for another time.

EZ WordPress

Public Beta
Pro WordPress Maintenance, Updates, Security and Backups.

EZ WordPress Updates

WP Updates

You need a WordPress update strategy because neglecting updates means your site may not work right or become vulnerable to attack.

EZ WP Security

WP Security

A cyber security patrol works best when done regularly. Don't worry. Leave this tech task to us because it's included in our $1 a day service.

EZ WP Backups

WP Backups

Protect your website with automated backup and fail-safe recovery. It's not what we do, but how we do it that makes a big difference.

EZ WP Fixes

WP Fixes

We're ready when you need a little extra technical, WordPress, Video or Creative help. We improve or fix your website.

Extended WordPress Support

Get Extended Expert WordPress Support, Development, and Advice.

EZ WP Tech Service

Tech Services

The world [and every website on the planet] was not created in a day. We start everything with EZ WordPress. It's part of any plan you choose.

EZ WP Video

Video Services

Send us your creatives and you'll get an mp4 video back. Creatives can be articles, pictures, Keynote, Powerpoint, or other slide creations. Ask about our cutting edge video lead magnets.

EZ WP Services

Creative Services

Tap into over 30 years of experience in solving creative challenges. We specialize in creative rescue of unfinished work and work that needs changes.

EZ WP Pro Services

EZ WordPress Pro Service

Do you want to rescue your site, migrate to a safer server, or start a new site? We'll make you an offer hard to refuse.

Charlie Turner

Charlie Turner

I run a very lean enterprise. EZ WordPress is a key part of my team. AmFor Media depends upon a core team who are involved in many different projects, plus a constantly changing mix of offsite talent working on specific aspects of individual projects. I consider EZ WordPress part of our core. With their expertise, particularly in keeping our sites current and secure, I know that I don't have to worry about the backend of our production. EZ WordPress solved problems and keeps our sites running.

AmFor Media – Toledo, Ohio

How it works

A website health check of your WordPress is the first thing done after signing up. We make sure your site is configured for our service then EZ WordPress is activated.

EZ WP Account

Start Account

Sign up and get your WP Site Health check-up. Once EZ WordPress is running, choose a flat rate extended service plan that’s right for you.

EZ WP Request Service

Request Service

E-mail the task you want done. Keep it to 1 task per email and 1 email per day to get fastest service.

EZ WP Update Notice

Task Updates

Your task is usually completed in one business day. We manage the queue to get highest efficiency. You get notified upon task completion.

EZ WP Basic Support

Flat Rate Support

No extra charge for flat rate email support. It's included in every plan. Enjoy the extra time and energy you can devote to other things.


Elaine Weidner

I manage a WordPress website. I am one of those folks who cringe at the sight of the little red software reminder updates. I should be careful what I install. I found out some updates will not be compatible and will interfere with other updates. I also had abysmal site security. I wasn’t so concerned about this until I started doing more research about the risks. And backups were a hassle. I found them confusing and I wasn’t always sure that I was doing it right. Then, I discovered EZ WordPress and now I don’t worry about any of this stuff. I can concentrate on my business and forget about maintenance. I'm relieved to know pro IT people now manage my site for less than I could do it myself. It provides such great peace of mind and saves me BIG time!

UnstuffYourLife.ca – Victoria, BC

Ready to take your WordPress to the next level?