WordPress Inspection Report
Initial Backup
Malware Scan
Security Check
Plugin Check
Software Updates
DataBase Maintenance

Our Inspection Report helps to determine if there are any underlying issues that need correction before setting up a maintenance program.

LMS MEDIA-Managed also offers a variety of creative and technical services. Pricing varies according to the scale. Contact us for an estimate.

EZ WordPress maintenance programs start at $30 USD monthly. Price varies depending upon the extent of services you need.

Checkout Options
30 Days @ $100 / 1st Month service + Inspection Report then $30 USD / Monthly for EZ WP maintenance)
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password strength indicator
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EZ WordPress Maintenance


Auto Scan WP software for updates
Update WP software as needed
Auto scan to detect security changes
Patch vulnerabilities to protect WordPress
Backup before updates
Scheduled on site backups
Restore backup if needed
Access to agency upgrades